Be yourself

Let the world know you as what you are...Not as you think you should be...Sooner or later if you are posing, you'll forget the pose and then where are you?

Friday, February 12, 2010

ATV Adventure at Kemensah

I really had fun with my 'giler2' friends last week...Riding 150cc quo bike in the heart of the jungle...My first ever experience riding the ATV...ATV Adventure, Kemensah...

Our big group was divided into two...Above is the first group where it includes me as well...I'm the only guy in the i was asked to be at the tell end of the group to escort the group from the back...bosan2...hahaha...
Below are some of the pictures of trails where I passed through...some of the trails are quite dangerous...sloppy and a lot of rocks...

we reached the 7 tiers waterfall after half an hour ride...the waterfall is not that big...but big enough to make us enjoy ourselves...the tour guide said that we can climb up to get a bigger waterfall but we prefer to stay there...malas nak daki bukit...hahaha...
Below are some of the pictures at the waterfall...

I really hope that I will come to that place again next time...or maybe go to a better's cool sometime to blend in with nature...